Apricot dumplings


100 g roll 250 ml milk 1 tbsp melted butter 1/2 packet vanilla sugar 1 pk egg a little coarse flour 12 pk apricots a little butter to taste breadcrumbs, poppy seeds, ground nuts


1. Dissolve the vanilla sugar in the lukewarm milk, add a tablespoon of butter and pour this mixture over the sliced rolls. Let them stand for a while, then add the egg and enough flour to make a smooth but not sticky dough. 2. Wash, dry and stone the apricots. Tear off pieces from the dough and wrap one apricot at a time. Cook the dumplings in boiling water until they float to the surface. 3. Serve them covered with butter and, to taste, with poppy seeds, ground nuts or toasted breadcrumbs.