Andalusian Steaks

Steaks of sirloin served with stuffed aubergines and tomatoes.


4 pcs bifteky (sirloin steaks) 4 pcs large tomatoes 2 pcs

td>onions 2 pcs of eggplant 120 g of steamed rice 120 g of ham 2 tbsp tomato puree steak seasoning ground pepper butter oil salt


1. Trim the blanched, lightly battered steaks to their original shape, brush both sides with oil, season with salt and steak seasoning and let rest for a while
2. Cut the aubergines in half lengthwise, hollow out part of the inside, fill with finely chopped ham, cover with flakes of butter, season with salt and bake in the oven at 180 °C, then keep warm
4. 5. Cut the tops off large washed and drained tomatoes, scoop out the insides with a spoon and fill with freshly cooked rice
6. Put the fries under a hot grill, fry them on both sides (or in a frying pan in oil), salt and pepper them
7. On the plates, garnish the steaks with roasted aubergines and stuffed tomatoes


– Side dish.