Tofurky rice
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Simple but effective in the vegetarian section. Cabbage adds a nice spice to this recipe.
Ingredients for four
300g firm tofu 300g white cabbage 1 onion 1 leek 2 tablespoons of green onion 1 tbsp; 2 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp cane sugar 2 dl coconut milk 5 lime leaves (if available) 2.5 dl jasmine/broken rice water for frying
Soak the vegetables. Jätä leeks with small pieces of greenery for garnish. Cut the tofu into large cubes.
Fry the cabbage strips separately in a wok for a few minutes. Set aside.
Lisää öljyä and add to the tofu. Add myös onion and leek, freeze for a moment.
Drain coconut milk into wok and season with curry powder. When the mixture comes to the boil, toss all the remaining ingredients into the wok with the cabbage and water to cover everything. Bring to a slow boil and stir in the water. Otherwise the rice will absorb easily.
When the rice is cooked, cook it until it is tender.
Asia Vegetarian tofu