Chinese Tea Eggs
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Egg cooked to a rotten state, marinated in tea spice brine after breaking the shells. The flavour of eggs prepared in this way is spicy, sharply spiced. It is most pronounced in those eggs where the white has cracked when the shell is cracked and the brown spiced brine has run down to the yolks.
1. Boil the eggs to a rotten state
It is important that only the white is solidified
2. Cool the eggs with water and tap each shell around the circumference with a spoon, the shell must crack but not flake off it must stay together
3. Put the tea in the water and add the spices as well, put the eggs in, they must be completely submerged, cook on a low heat source for 30 minutes
4. Remove the pot with the eggs from the heat and let the eggs cool in the brine
5. Before serving, peel the shells, a brown marbled white will appear underneath
If you cook a large quantity of eggs that you will not use immediately, you can leave the eggs in the brine for up to several days in the refrigerator.
The recipe and photo were sent to us by Dalibor Marounek