Egg Omelette with Sausage
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Egg omelette filled with sliced sausage fried in onion.
1. Fry finely chopped onion in some of the melted fat
2. Add the best peeled, thinly sliced sausage and fry it briefly
3. Place the fried sausage and onion in the centre of the omelette, season with pepper and red pepper
5. Finally, wrap the omelette and bake it briefly in a preheated oven at 190 °C
6. Serve immediately.
Egg omelettes are best served with boiled potatoes and delicate types of vegetable salads. Fresh bread is also a good accompaniment to omelettes.
The omelette can also be prepared in just one pan by pouring the beaten, lightly salted eggs directly onto the fried sausage slices, then turning the heat down to the lowest possible heat, covering the pan with a lid and letting the eggs retract. In this case, do not bake the omelette in the oven.