Strawberry Ice Cream
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Here is the recipe to make easy strawberry ice cream with your Thermomix. The preparation time required is no more than 5minutes.
Ingredients: 250 g strawberries. 100 g powdered sugar.200 g fresh cream. 120 ml milk. Preparation:
First wash and clean the strawberries, then put them in the bowlwith the powdered sugar, thenmix for 30 sec / Turbo speed.
Add the milk and cream, thenmix for 1 min / speed 5.
Pour the mixture into a large container then place in the refrigerator for12 hours, afterwards cut the ice cream into squares.
put it in the Thermomix bowl and mix for 10 sec on speed 10, then 15 sec on speed 4.
Serve in bowls.
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