100% instant rice recipe


2 servings 130 g basmati rice salt

Recipe preparation steps

1 I’ve been trying different types of rice recipes for a while, and they’re all very good and delicious. I have tried baking, coating, roasting, boiling, etc. Until one Indian told me.” And taught me always the same and free rice on the first try.

TIP: Carnival: Cupcakes, muffins and cakes sweeten your festive moments!

2 First wash the rice. First, put the rye in a pot and cover it with lukewarm water so that it is completely soaked. Leave to stand for 20 minutes, then drain through a sieve. The aim is to get rid of the starch!

TIP: The right amount of rice

3 Put the rice back in the pot and cover again with lukewarm water. If the water becomes cloudy, it still contains a lot of starch, which is not desirable. In this case, strain the rice again. And put it back in the pot. 4 Now start cooking the rice. And be careful not to measure the water.) Just pour the rice in and don’t waste the water! Add salt, put it on the stove and start cooking. Cook without a lid so that the water doesn’t boil too much, but doesn’t boil too low either. You should see the rice floating and stirring in the pot. Cook the rice without the lid, stirring occasionally, until it is tender. That is, until almost done. 5 Strain the rice through a sieve and put it back into the same pot without water, cover with a lid and place on the stove on the lowest heat for 5 minutes.